I have studied Astrology since 1970 when I was a seminary student in Chicago. It was one of the classes for study, and this confused me because of what I was told about the Bible's stand against it. I found that stand not to be appropriate because of the relationship to fortune telling. I continued studying and found Astrology as a useful tool, not for fortune telling, but. For the process of seeing how we are affected by the vibratory influences of the star's of Heaven. What the actual influence is to our daily living, and how much control we have over them. I share these tools with those that are curious or have a genuine interest.

Ray of the Sun God, by whose mighty power

The earth is borne through space, we come to Thee.

That we may learn the secret of a love

Which chooses suffering, when it might be free.

O great Sun Spirit, cramped within the earth.

Thou suff rest, -its strait bounds imprison Thee!

Thou seekest human channels for Thy love;

Thou askest human hands to set Thee free.

Thou pourest out Thy Life and love for man,

That man may learn to give himself to Thee.

Ourselves we offer, channels for Thy love;

Ourselves we offer, that Thou may'st be free.

_Author Unidentified

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