page 1 - Horoscope -Natal Charts - Interpretations |
Natal Chart Only - This is a full page rendering of your birth chart Cosmic Natal Report - Consists of a manuscript type breakdown of your Natal Chart (Chart Included) in 5 distinct Chapters about the aspects in your personal chart and how they apply. This will cover the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury and Mars. The Chapters are:1. How You Approach Life and Appear to Others. 2. The Inner You: Your Real Motivations. 3. Mental Interests and Abilities. 4. Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance. 5. Drive and Ambition: How You Achieve Your Goals.
Cosmic Compatibility Report - This Report is for people who do not want the advanced reports listed and prefer a less expensive report that will just give interpretations. This Report is an abridged compatibility report.Cosmic Forecast - This Report is an Abridged forcast. The Cosmic Natal, Compatibility and Forecast makes an excellent gift for the many people that find Astology interesting but for whom astrology is not a major part of their daily lives, interests, and activities.Merlin Report - The Merlin is an extension of the Cosmic Natal. It continues on throughout the Solar System to the planet Pluto from Mars. You will find that the interpretation of your chart is written in simple language. Uncluttered by astrological jargon. (Chart Included) The Merlin prints our the 5 chapters above plus adds 4 others. They are:6. Growth and Expansion: Areas That You Enjoy. 7. Areas That Challenge You or are Difficult for You. 8. Originality and Imagination: Areas Where you are Creative, Unique, Unstable or Compulsive. 9. Generational Influences: Your Age Group. Compatibility Analysis Report - Our Compatibility Report examines all the astrological factors(Planets, Houses, Signs, and Aspects) and to search for repeated themes of your horoscope, and a friends, business associate, parent, lover, or marriage partner and then interpret them. You specify what type of report you want (friend, lover or romantic partner) and give us basic birth information. We take care of the rest. This report is bound approximately 10 - 12 pages (8 1/2 x 11", single spaced) with Charts and is divided into three Chapters: Chapter One compares your basic temperaments, and the other two chapters describe the issues and themes that arise in this relationship.The issues described in Chapter One become particularly powerful if you are married or live together. Idiosyncracies or quirks in another person's personality do not bother us as much if our relationship is a casual one. Pay close attention to the issues described in Chapter Two because these are the most important themes in your relationship. Chapter Three describes issues in your relationship of less importance than those presented in Chapter Two. The material in Chapter 2 & 3 describe the magnetism between you, not your individual natures. To make the most of this report combine it with a Cosmic Natal or Merlin Report for each individual. Heaven Sent Report - There are friendships and there are FRIENDSHIPS, partnerships (whether business or personal) and PARTNERSHIPS. Heaven Sent can help you understand ALL your interpersonal relationships, whether business or pleasure, gay or straight, romantic or platonic, by describing the details of your interactions. Heaven Sent is divided into two sections, the first deals with planets in houses, that is, which of your natal houses are triggered by his/her planets and how you relate to each other. A true comparison involves a blending of everything said in both sections.Revelations Report - The New Astrology. This report is the implementation of knowledge that you are the creator of your life. As such, you are free to interpret each planet in your chart on its highest level, thereby being the highest and best manifestation of God you can be. It is about Love and appreciation of the God within, the acknowledgment of Truth of who you are and as a result, the beautiful expression of that Truth.Hidden Messages Report - We are all looking for unconditional love. Most of us never got it. When we fall in love we think, "Now finally, here is someone who will give me the (unconditional) love I've always wanted." So we marry. Then it starts - because we're not programmed for love, instead, we are programmed to duplicate our parents' relationship.Because of this programming, even if we found someone who loved us unconditionally, we would have to push them away. How can we attract what we are not programmed to receive? We can't - until we take a conscious look at what we are programmed to attract. Only then can we change our lives. This report is designed to help you do just that. Planetary Transit Report 1 Year into future. - Transits are the real thing as it happens in the Heavens. The actual day-to-day motion of the planets. Transits are the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, and Mars. Slow moving planets are: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. It is a good idea to look ahead into your future through the transits for long-lasting influences, as you may not realize tha tit is in affect until you are several months into the time period of the influence.Moon Transit Report 1 Year into future. - In the Moon Transit Report, each influence lasts for 6 to 8 hours and the time given in the middle of the time period, and this is the time when the astrological influence is strongest. There also may be influences that last several days. The Moon moves around a cycle in about a month, so because of the closeness of the Moon and it's waxing and waning, natually the influences are stronger and faster in effect.Karma Analysis Report - Written from a metaphysical and past life point of view. The analysis focuses on the influence of the Moon's Nodes, Part of Fortune, Saturn, Retrograde Planets and other factors associated with past lives. |